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Writer's picturePaul W. Anderson, Ph.D.

Substance Abuse and Other Addictions Are Family Illnesses: 4 Stages of Progression. What To Do?

Yes, I also work with substance abuse and other addictive behaviors such as alcoholism, drug dependence, sex and food addictions or work-a-holism. Often people find me after searching online for an "alcoholism counselor near me" or "addictions specialist near me."

One of the questions clients want answered first is "What are the signs of alcoholism?" There are several lists of symptoms, but for me the most practical place to start is with is this question:

alcoholism therapy paul w anderson phd

"With the use of alcohol, are there repeated problems in your life, problems of any sort?" That includes family and friends (social) problems, work problems, legal, medical or financial problems. If so, take a look at your relationship with alcohol, or for that matter, any mood altering substance. Do you see a pattern connecting consumption with trouble?"
WART With Alcohol Repeated Trouble

Start By Getting A Reliable Substance Abuse Evaluation

I can help you make an objective evaluation and assessment of the possible symptoms of substance abuse in your life.

I am also qualified to conduct chemical addiction (wet and dry) evaluations for impaired physicians and other professionals, transportation specialists and private individuals who are ready to deal with an honest assessment of their addictive behaviors.

Many people, after seeing my websites, remark that it looks like I am a marriage, couples and relationship counselor, as well as an executive coach. This is true.

However, as an honest and ethical, professional psychologist, I long ago realized I needed the skills and equipment to deal with alcoholism, poly-substance addiction, dual diagnosis and other addictive behaviors including, food and sex. Why is that? Because, more than one fourth of all American families is afflicted with the disease of addiction, in one form or the other. My clientele comes from American.

Most people do not realize how pervasive substance abuse and addictive behaviors are in our American culture.

In fact, many researchers and sociologists have concluded that we are an addictive society. Because of that, it's impossible for me to work with professionals and their families, executives and their corporations and individuals persons without coming face-to-face with addictive behaviors.

Alcohol use disorder is a leading but preventable cause of death in the United States, believe it or not. I do believe it. Therefore, I have prepared myself to help my clients deal with this disease which, without treatment, is lethal.

Elderly and Substance Abuse

Retirement an ageing can bring confusing and challenging times. Facing transitions a person may not have expected can lead to boredom and depression.

Alcohol is the most used drug among older adults, with about 65% of people 65 and older reporting high-risk drinking, defined as exceeding daily guidelines at least weekly in the past year." NIDA

Other drug usage that can lead to a substance use disorder in seniors include, marijuana, nicotine, prescriptions drugs and other pain/anxiety drugs such as Xanax.

What I Can Provide

To adequately support families in all phases of the family life cycle, I needed to become licensed and trained in the work of recovery from addictive behaviors in order to truly help my clients. I am licensed in Kansas as an addiction and alcoholism counselor. I hold several national certifications in substance abuse and addictions. For over 30 years, I have continued to upgrade my skill sets, information and awareness about how to assist people engaged in seeking solid sobriety.

Although I do not offer a full service treatment or recovery program, either inpatient or outpatient, I do provide the following services directly related to substance abuse and addictions in general:

  • Full and complete evaluations acceptable to most professional licensing boards, as well as DOT governing bodies. This includes testing with the SASSI and the revised MAST, up to 2 hours clinical interviewing, a detailed multi-generational addiction history, and a full and complete written report which includes recommendations. I also continue to be available to my clients and those for whom they needed the evaluation for follow-up consultation and clarification of my report.

  • Individual assessments, followed by personal and/or family counseling as needed.

  • Referral to the appropriate outpatient or inpatient treatment facility, depending upon the client’s situation.

  • Follow-up and aftercare support for the recovering person, as well as their family and their spouse.

  • Counseling and strategic recommendations to family members as to how to intervene and/or live with a using loved one. My approach often results in the addict family member eventually asking for recovery treatment and help.

Substance Abuse As A Disease: The 4 Stages

Alcoholism, as a disease, is progressive and there are 4 stages to the progression. Of course, not everyone who drinks develops alcohol addiction. Those who do use alcohol, initially begin with

  • SOCIAL Drinking. The majority of alcohol users are in this category, characterized by casual, occasional drinking in social and recreational environments.

  • ABUSIVE Drinking is the next step toward addiction. Here the drinker begins to experience some negative consequences resulting from alcohol usage. These can be legal, occupational, relational or possible medical problems that occur from excessive drinking.

  • DEPENDENCE Drinking begins to lead to serious, health and quality of life, consequences. Despite the increase in negative results from alcohol use showing up in more and more aspects of the drinker's life, he or she continues to over-use alcohol to deal with the pain of living. Now, the irony is, the more the person drinks to deal with anxiety and life's troubles, the more the alcohol use contributes to those very problems. This vicious cycle traps the drinker in a must-have dependence which destroys quality living.

  • ADDICTION Drinking is the fourth and final stage of alcoholism. The drinker's life has been reduced to basic survival mainly focused on getting alcohol, using alcohol and dealing with the aftermath results of drinking. Because the negative consequences of drinking escalate at a geometric rate, drinking has now become a lethal disease for the afflicted person.

Proper and effective treatment requires an accurate evaluation and diagnosis of the progression of the disease.

In addition to addiction evaluations, counseling and/or coaching, I strongly recommend all clients, both the user seeking recovery, as well as family members, use a recovery support program on a regular basis. This may include an appropriate 12-step program, such as AA, NA, SAA, OA, Al-Anon, CODA, NARA-Anon or ACOA. However, there are many other valuable and recovery supporting programs available which are not 12-step based.

Addictions are diseases. You cannot manage and recover from these afflictions without outside help. Willpower alone will not bring on recovery and solid sobriety from addictive behaviors any more than willpower by itself can cure cancer, diabetes or other autoimmune disorders. “Just Say No!” does not work and actually makes things worse. Addiction, including alcoholism, has long been thought to be a moral issue - a defect in one's character - but the truth is that this issue is a disease. Dr. William E. Kyle

A Family Disease

use a support group AA Alanon Naranon

This disease takes its toll, not only physically, spiritually, financially but also emotionally, affecting people's most intimate relationships, their families and marriages. It is a disease of body, mind, thought patterns and relationship structures. Therefore, I approach behavioral addictions as a family illness, necessitating all family members, whether they are the addicted ones or not, to work on and seek out their own recovery.

There is Hope and Success In Substance Abuse Recovery. Work With Someone Who Can Show You How To Find That Hope.


Listen to Dr. Gupta (CNN) interview about one man's success story. It doesn't get much better than this:

Get informed, then call addiction specialist, Paul W. Anderson, PhD, 913-991-2302, for help with your journey ahead. The illness of substance abuse can't be stopped without outside help any more than can other chronic diseases such as cancer or diabetes can be cured on your own.

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